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Startek P/L is the Australian agent for
PC|SCHEMATIC products from Denmark.
New Version 15
PC|SCHEMATIC AUTOMATION is electrical CAD software for documentation of key and
power control circuit diagrams, switchboard drawings, PLC circuits, electrical installations,
EIB and IHC installations, plus documentation of burglary and fire installations
- with automatic update of tables of contents, components lists, parts lists and
any other type of lists.
Click here for
on pricing, downloading a trial version etc.
With PC|SCHEMATIC POWERDISTRIBUTION you can easily document, create, maintain an
overview and manage power installations. All you need to know is how to move a folder
in Windows and you will become familiar with the program in a few minutes.
Click here for
on pricing, downloading a trial version etc.
Create, modify, and manage telephone/data network installations with the NEW PC|SCHEMATIC
TELE software program. Easy to use and intuitive so that engineers can begin working
immediately with minimal training.
Click here for
on pricing, downloading a trial version etc.